Welcome to Import Export Community!

Why community for Import Export learners?

  • 4000 + Learns and exported connected on one platform!
  • Ask Questions to community and get answers.
  • Digital Networking place for New learners, suppliers, logistic partners.
  • Groups interaction

How to be part of the community?

Import Export Federation Community Groups

Group 1 – International Trade Program Dubai (ITPD)

Group 2 – Regular EXIM Support Meet (RESM)

Group 3 – JNPT Tour Members

Group 4 – Knowledge Exchange Group

Group 5 – All Webinar Members

Please note, all the groups are private groups and you will get access only if you have participated in the activity with Federation. E.g. For Knowledge Exchange Group, you will be member of the group only if either you have subscribed for Complete Online Export Course, or Offline Pune Course or Offline Mumbai Course.